Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Royal jelly contains essential fatty acids ...

We are all familiar with honey as a valuable substitute for refined sugar and chemical additives, which has been shown that the neurotoxin. We are often unaware of the incredible nutritional value of honey for a variety of health benefits for honey have natural sweetener. Honey is a natural glucose and fructose sugar, which is easily recognized and used for energy in our body. Honey contains mineral such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulfur, iron and phosphorus. Honey also contains small amounts of copper, iodine and zinc. Honey contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B5 and B3. Honey is often used to help us to build immunity to pollens that are responsible for allergic reactions. Honey, thanks to its ability to attract water, also used as a moisturizer and skin and hair conditioner mixed with olive oil. Because honey has powerful antimicrobial properties, it can soothe raw tissue such as we perceive the pain in my throat. Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory remedy containing phytochemicals that helps heal wounds by killing bacteria, viruses and fungi that can not live in honey thus preventing infection. Honey is used in Europe and the Middle East to treat ulcers and burns. Treatment of burns with honey reduces pain and result in healing with minimal scarring of the skin. Honey reduces the swelling of the wound and used by our body as a building material for new tissue as honey actually traps moisture and oxygen around the wound, which is vital for treatment and tissue generation. Honey and support the concentration of blood sugar that many athletes use for endurance training as honey maintains and reserves of glycogen as a readily available, metabolized fuel. Honey helps to repair muscle tissue. Honey acts as an excellent carbohydrate that helps athletes to give maximum performance. Honey contains small amounts of resin found in propolis. Propolis is used by bees to build and maintain their hives. Propolis makes the hive protected from bacteria and other microorganisms. Propolis has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Propolis contains phytonutrients that have been shown to prevention of cancer and antitumor properties. Propolis is contained in small quantities in honey and is available in concentrated form completion. Honey contains pollen. Bee pollen has been shown ispravit chemical imbalance that often leads to weight gain. Thus, bee pollen has been a valuable aid to weight loss. Were pollen improves metabolism, i. e rate at which our bodies burn fat. Bee pollen dissolves and purifies fat cells from the body due to the high content of lecithin it contains. Bee pollen helps us reduce the craving food. Bee pollen has been shown to lower cholesterol. Bee pollen is also useful for our sexual health. Studies have shown that bee pollen helps restore the health of female reproductive system and relief from the discomfort of PMS. Bee pollen has been shown to help increase male sperm, helps maintain erections and prevent prostate problems. Bee pollen has been shown to improve our immune system and remove toxins from our body. In addition, many athletes use pollen for endurance, strength and endurance. Many of us use pollen to help improve mental clarity. Bee pollen is available in concentrated form completion. Royal jelly is the only source of food for bee uterus. Queen bees live forty times longer than other bees. Royal jelly contains large amounts of protein and all eight essential amino acids that our body can not produce. Royal jelly is an antioxidant that fights free radicals. Royal jelly contains large amounts of natural hormones email. by pheromones, many amino acids and essential amino acids, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D and E. Royal jelly contains essential fatty acids and acetylcholine, a natural mediator. Royal jelly contains sterols, phosphorus compounds nucleic acids, and traces of calcium copper potassium, silicon and sulfur. Royal jelly helps reduce cholesterol, promotes mental activity and clarity, reduces dizziness and tinnitus and improves energy levels thus eliminating fatigue. Royal jelly is shown to reduce anxiety and depression because of the high number of acetylcholine, which is a natural neurotransmitter. Many of us say that it helps slow the aging process, increases vitality and energy levels. Royal jelly improves the conditions of our skin strattera online and increases the strength and condition of our nails and hair. Royal jelly contains fats and carbohydrates and aspartic acid, which promotes the growth and repair of cells and tissues. Royal jelly also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Royal jelly can be in a concentrated form of supplements. Next time we use honey, we can test and an additional pleasure of taste, knowing that the wonderful and amazing health benefits that we receive. We can get more health and healing benefits of using the presence of pollen and bee propolis and royal jelly in the form of supplements. We must find ways to protect our population and the bees feel deep gratitude for the many gifts of health and nutrition, they have given us. .

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